Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Servathon 2012

Source: GreaterDCCares

Servathon is the largest day of service in the DC area. Their website states that "nearly 10,000 corporate and community volunteers" come together to better their community during this event. There are many exciting projects to choose from like painting murals of college logos in public schools, sprucing up public parks and landmarks, painting blacktop games on the playgrounds at schools and then some! I have volunteered with Servathon for the past three years and I have a lot of fun each and every time. This is a great thing to do with a group of your family members and/or friends. You’ll feel good about yourself for helping others and have a great time doing it!! 

The day of service for Servathon 2012 is Saturday, April 21. Get a group of your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, whoever together, decide on a snazzy group name lol, and go register!! And you get a t-shirt! Registration closes April 16th. For more info, visit Servathon2012.


  1. I will have to try and participate in this event this year; I never heard about it before. Thanks for sharing.
