Thursday, March 1, 2012

Creativity365 Day 17

Today's Instructions: Create a Mad Libs-style story (remove nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and other parts of speech and replace them with blank lines), and have a friend fill it in.

So this is the short and sweet Mad Libs story that I came up with and I sent it out to one of my bestest friends, Lashaun, to complete...

One day, when I was __(verb)__ on the __(noun)__, I came to the conclusion that I need to __(verb)__ more. So I immediately __(verb)__ to the __(noun)__ and got __(noun)__, __(noun)__, and __(noun)__. I was so __(adj)__ that I forgot to __(verb)__ my__(noun)__. Maybe next time I’ll just __(verb)__ a __(noun)__ instead of __(verb)__.

This is what she sent back lol...

One day, when I was riding on the train, I came to the conclusion that I need to dance more. So I immediately went to the store and got a video, tap shoes, and some tights . I was so excited that I forgot to feed my parrot. Maybe next time I’ll just smoke a cigar instead of drinking.

You should try writing one and send it to your friends to see what you get back. This can get really interesting lol...or you can fill out the blanks to my Mad Lib and post it in the comments :).

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